Boiler system

Our company offers a wide range of boiler room equipment and boiler room equipment designed to convert the chemical energy of fuel into heat energy and this is for the purpose of obtaining hot water or steam with given parameters.

Depending on the purpose, the below-mentioned boiler facilities are available:
Heating boiler facilities - for heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems;
Heating-production boiler facilities - for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological water supply systems;
Production boiler facilities - for supplying technological heat.

A boiler house system is a complex engineering system that serves a number of different purposes and can consist of a variety of different devices and systems. In terms of boiler installations, there are many types to choose from. These include steam boilers, hot water boilers, hot water boilers, steam generators, hot oil boilers, waste boilers, and so on.

Services to be provided:

  • Designing the boiler system taking into account the required heating power, steam quantity, pressure, etc. parameters.
  • Preparing as-built plans for protection of the designed system within the state agency for expertise and mining.
  • Provision of equipment and materials required by the project
  • Installation and maintenance work on the approved system
  • Obtaining an operation certificate for the installed systems
  • Periodic testing of existing systems with hydraulic, non-destructive, vibration, ultrasound, etc. methods.